Model                       :                   Norman 23

Cockpit                    :                   Rear

Year                          :                   ?

Engine & Fuel        :                  

Capacity                  :                  

Toilet                        :                  


Lying Waverton, near Chester. Unused since 1997 In last few days have bought hull of Norman23, Barleycorn, which has been lying unused at marina at Waverton, near Chester, for about 7-8 yrs.  Owing to ingress of rain, bottom 3inches or so of all woodwork/flooring on port side has rotted, plus all woodwork in cockpit except bulkhead, .  friend and I have dried out the boat, cut out all affected wood, and are starting to repair/replace.  Intend to register on your web page, but as yet can only give you name, size, .My friend is ex RN Chief Engineer so we will not be cutting any corners, but intend to keep the boat simple, probably use as dayboat.  We have to replace all flooring, cockpit seating, toilet, cushions.  Will need engine.